What is PortALL?
The PortALL App is designed to enhance and simplify your business compliance processes as well as enhance the central monitoring of your compliance processes. It streamlines the exchange of data between the Compliance Officer and employees at the firm and also between the Compliance Officer and Cosegic, if it is used alongside a retained service agreement.
The PortALL Application (‘App’) is hosted on SharePoint utilising Microsoft’s Azure Servers and accessible on all operating systems via an internet browser. Our vision is that Firms will be able to slash the time spent on menial compliance tasks and admin whilst improving compliant practices.
What does PortALL do?
PortALL automates and streamlines the following activities:
- Compliance monitoring and event tracking;
- Training allocation and progress monitoring;
- Attestation circulation and monitoring;
- PA dealing submissions;
- Outside business interest submissions;
- Gifts and benefits submissions; and
- Conflicts submissions.

Key features
The PortALL App is designed to enhance and simplify your business compliance processes. Put plainly, it will streamline data exchange between the Compliance Officer and the Employee and the Compliance Officer and the Client, as well as enhance the central monitoring of compliance processes.
1. Client dashboard
The Compliance Officer will have access to a live dashboard of a firm's compliance activities, including: regulatory filings calendar and alerts, the disclosure and approval of personal trading, gifts and entertainment, outside business interests and personal conflicts of interest; and policy/procedure review and approval.
2. Regulatory filings
PortALL maintains an automated diary of regulatory filings and reporting to the FCA, including reminders of due dates, as well as an electronic audit trail of previous filings.
3. Training
PortAll provides access to Cosegic’s e-learning materials and learning management system (‘LMS’). The LMS is a powerful tool which allows: the allocation of compliance training to employees at the appropriate level (support staff vs front office staff); tracks which employees have completed their training, whether they passed the course; and flags employees who have not met training deadlines.
4. Policies and procedures
There is a central repository of the most up to date, documented compliance policies and procedures. Documents are revised by Cosegic as necessary and automatically updated on PortALL, with an audit trail of previous versions and the latest documents are automatically available to relevant employees, with the system automatically filtering the materials available based on job role.
5. Attestations and disclosures
Compliance officers can create and issue attestation requests to relevant employees which run automatically in line with the frequency selected and can be circulated to all or specific employees. Completion statuses can be monitored centrally and employees can submit PA dealing, gifts and entertainment, outside business interests and conflict disclosures for review and approval by the compliance officer.
6. Regulatory updates
Compliance officers have their own area within the software which contains real time newsletters and updates as well as a link into the FCA website.
7. Reporting management information
PortALL can provide real time MI so that compliance officers can monitor employee compliance actions and declarations, providing Board and Executive Committee assurance.
Why use our services?
Workflows automatically manage the disclosure/approval process between an employee and the client’s compliance officers ensuring there are robust audit trails, and everyone is kept informed. There are additional workflows to manage the issuing and tracking of employee attestations. Reminders are sent to employees if attestations remain open and when the process is complete, the next attestation is automatically scheduled based on a predefined frequency.
The workflow automatically issues employees with relevant training and presents compliance officers with feedback on user performance.

Compliance training and learning management system
PortALL includes an e-learning compliance solution that issues users with tailored compliance training based on the regulated status of their firm and their individual employee role/responsibilities. This avoids the need for all employees to sit through time consuming and inflexible class-based learning throughout the year.

PortALL has been designed and built with security as the cornerstone of the system and leverages Microsoft SharePoint and the Azure server network to host, maintain and manage data. This means that information is physically secure, with Microsoft maintaining round the clock security at its data centres, and digitally secure, with information stored on drives encrypted using BitLocker encryption and accessed through HTTPS.