Meet Corinna - Director of Financial Crime

Posted on: 21 March 2024

Written by: Corinna Venturi

Corinna Venturi

Can you tell us a bit about your background?

In the mid 90s I started working as a copy typist for an offshore trust and corporate services provider. At the time, I had no idea what that even meant! On day 2 of my new job, I turned up to work and it was crawling with press outside…something to do with Silvio Berlusconi (one of our clients at the time) who, at the time, I also had no idea about. Fast forward 2 years and I’m a relationship manager with 3 Russian oligarchs in my client portfolio.

After another few years and a mounting sense of unease, I completely pivoted my career and switched sides to become an MLRO. Those initial years, whilst traumatic at times, certainly made me well-versed in financial crime!

What areas do you see as the biggest challenges, and what opportunities come with them?

The biggest challenge for the FinCrime Team is ensuring our clients from all parts of the business are fully utilising our services. We are working on this, and the opportunities are for Cosegic to become better known as a FinCrime SME and of course more business!

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

When we get really positive feedback from clients about the work we’ve delivered.

What are you working on at the moment?

As well as my usual FinCrime assurance reviews, ad hoc expert advice and online training delivery, I’ve been developing in-person training which is specific to Private Equity firms. I delivered the first one recently and am proud to say it was very well received.

What excites you about working for Cosegic?

Cosegic is a very ambitious company but hasn’t lost its spirit or kindness.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The best advice I was ever given was when I was a fairly new MLRO and my mentor told me, “Always ask yourself: will I be able to defend this decision in court?” I give this advice to MLROs and Senior Management when I’m delivering MLRO training because often people holding the MLRO role really don’t understand the seriousness of the repercussions if things go wrong. This advice always stood me in good stead as an MLRO!

Describe yourself in three words.

Radically, annoyingly honest.

Outside of work, what keeps you busy?

My family and friends.

Plus, and I don’t think anyone at Cosegic knows this, I’m an obsessive chess player with a pretty high rating!


Corinna Venturi

Corinna has worked in both the financial and professional services industries since 1996, first in front line services and then moving into financial crime prevention in 2007.

Contact Corinna

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